Courses at University of Auckland

Mass Spectrometry in Undergraduate and Post-graduate Study

The following courses at the University of Auckland include mass spectrometry and related topics:


  • MEDSCI 300 (Biomedical Research Techniques; one lecture on MALDI imaging by Gus Grey)
  • MEDSCI 312 (Neuroendocrinology of Growth and Metabolism; integation lecture encompassing eye development and glucose metabolism using kinetic MALDI imaging by Gus Grey)
  • MEDSCI 720 (Biomedical Research Techniques; MS in Biomedical Sciences by Frederik Pruijn; HPLC/GC by Malcolm Tingle)
  • BIOSCI 348 (Food and Industrial Microbiology; one lecture briefly covering mass spectrometry applications by Farhana Pinu)
  • BIOSCI 350 (Protein Structure and Function; brief discussion of MS application for looking at inhibitor binding to proteins by Chris Squire; basic ideas around hydrogen-deuterium exchange of proteins)
  • BIOSCI 746 (The Molecular Machinery of The Cell; example of MS detection of cross-links in some particular proteins by Chris Squire)
  • CHEM 240 (Measurement and Analysis in Chemistry and Health Sciences; introduction of chromatography, GC and LC (no MS) by Paul Kilmartin)
  • CHEM 340 (Advanced Analytical Chemistry; fundamentals of MS: building blocks, mass analysers, detectors, coupling of MS with chromatography by Bruno Fedrizzi; principles of chromatography and GC by Bruno Fedrizzi and LC by Paul Kilmartin)
  • CHEM 740 (Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry; MS: EI, fragmentation mechanisms, and tandem MS by Bruno Fedrizzi;  HR-MS by Christian Hartinger)
  • FOODSCI 751 (Advanced Topics in Food Science; optional module on untargeted gas and liquid chromatography with HRMS. Sample prep, analytical methods, techniques, chemoinformatics, bioinformatics by Chris Pook)