2nd Annual University of Auckland Mass Spectrometry Symposium

Mass spectrometry is transforming our understanding of the chemical and biological world. Our symposium this year showcases a diverse range of applied and fundamental mass spectrometry research from overseas and across the university. Keynote speakers Professor Brett Nixon (University of Newcastle, Australia) and Professor Christian Hartinger (University of Auckland) will present their research on using mass spectrometry to investigate male fertility and anticancer drug development. 

Other researchers will present a day of talks ranging from therapeutic drugs to illicit drugs, and from natural fragrances to human reproduction. There will also be talks on native mass spectrometry as well as more practical topics such as data management and automation. 

This year heralds the launch of the University of Auckland Mass Spectrometry Hub (MaSH), a Strategic Research Initiative for a cross-faculty mass spectrometry community. 

To find out more about the MaSH, please join us for our official launch.

More info: Contact Dr Liz McKenzie for a detailed program: liz.mckenzie@auckland.ac.nz

Download the flyer

When: July 6 2018; Lectures commence at 9:30 am; official University of Auckland Mass Spectrometry Hub Launch at 3:30pm.

Where: Lecture room 501-110, Building 501, Level 1, 85 Park Road, Grafton.

RSVP by 29 June, 2018 to: Dr Frederik Pruijn: f.pruijn@auckland.ac.nz for catering purposes.

(Entry is via stairs behind main FMHS reception, turn right and continue walking until you reach the lift/stairwell. Lecture Theatre is opposite. For lift access, follow the blue line until you reach the lifts and go up one floor.)






